Monday, September 18, 2006

Dangerous Rats

I think it is a story with no sense. Holland rats? It has some things that have no sense, but if you make a few changes it could be interesting. I think it needs more action and less fantasy. It would be a better story if you added more action, you could add like a big fight between the rats and the humans. At the beginning I didn’t imagine how it would end, it has a big change in the middle of the story that leaves you a little confuse. It has an unexpected ending. I never thought that what was on the ship where rats, I thought it was a ghost ship. I also think that the picture shown in the book is impropriated; it is not from the book, so why do they put it there. It could have been better. I had an experience when I was little with rats, but they are not so dangerous or scary how the book describes it. It is amazing how the rats covered the whole light house. It is true that rats are bad fierce animals and they transmit bad diseases, but no rats are that big. This story has something similar about Pirates of the Caribbean. Pirates of the Caribbean is much better because it has much more action, fighting and shooting.


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