Friday, February 16, 2007


Hi, this time we are having a topic called Hurricanes. They are caused by the nature; they can be called wild weathers. Hurricanes cause a lot of damage in the coasts of some places like U.S and in the pacific where they are called typhoons. Hurricanes can cause a lot of damage to people or places, so you need to be very careful if you are near any of them. Hurricanes Hurricanes are big masses of spinning winds that start over the sea. Hurricanes bring heavy rains, lightings, and very hard winds that create a lot of destruction. Hurricanes are composed by layers.

The feeder bands are the outer arms that spin very fast and the ones that cause more destruction. These bands make the storm look like a big spinning wheel. Each arm of the hurricane are giant storm clouds, this is from where the heavy rains, lightning, winds come from.

After the feeder band, comes the hurricane's eye wall. It is dark inside a hurricane's eye. Here is where the winds spin faster. All the very dense outer clouds cover the light, making the eye wall, a big dark hole. Inside in a hurricane's eye wall is where the fastest winds are created, they can spin at speeds of about 180 miles per hour, that is about 290 km/h, that is fastest than most of the cars. When planes are catch by a hurricane, or the storm tracker planes, they need to be very careful, the outer winds are very bad, but when an airplane enters the eye wall of the hurricane, it needs to be an expert pilot to handle well the plain or the plain can be tossed out of the eye, making it crash.

After the eye wall comes the last part of a hurricane, it is located in the middle, it is the hurricanes eye. Here, the winds of the hurricane are very calm.

Hurricanes create storm surges. A storm surge is when the hurricane makes a sudden rise of the sea level, bringing bigger waves that flood all the coasts. Hurricane Hugo's storm surge raised the water level 20 feet, that is about 10 meters, imaging that, the water level rising 10 meters; the storm surge make cars role off, boats crash ashore, trees flying out; a disaster. Hurricane Hugo killed about 504 people and much more where injured.

Hurricane Facts
  • Hurricanes can last 10 days before they run out their energy.
  • Hurricanes die out fast in cold water.
  • Hurricanes never form on the equator and never cross it.
  • They are slow, on water, they travel 15 miles per hour, not fast.

Some hurricane safety tips could be to always that you hear a hurricane is coming, be prepared, have food stored, blankets, cloth, and other types of supplies in case you cant go out. Stay togetehr with your family and if the autorities ask you to evacuate the area, evacuate is, it is for your safety, not thems.

So to conclude, remember: hurricanes are strong spinning winds created far at ocean. If winds reach the 74 miles per hour, or 120 km/h, they are called hurricanes. When they hit land, they slowdown, their power source is the ocean, so usually when hurricane hits main land they stop.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Natural Disasters

Global warming, it affects us all, while we are damaging the ozone layer, every day, without we noticing it, more harmful rays from the sun are penetrating the atmosphere and exposing us to future diseases. In a future, global l warming will cause more natural disasters and more often. Hurricanes Hurricanes are severe tropical cyclones (storms that revolve) that bring heavy rain and very strong winds that can cause a lot of damage. Hurricanes are created in the ocean far away from the coasts. They are created on sea surface by the Coriolis Effect (the moving of earth) in open waters in the oceans. They are mostly called Hurricanes, but in East China they are called Typhoons. Down by Australia and Africa, they are called tropical Cyclones. They have a few names, but their destruction power is the same. The earth is affected by them like by seasons. In North America, they hit the coasts at about from July to November. In 2004, about 8 or more hurricanes affected the earth. The famous Katrina was the hurricane that caused so much destruction to New Orleans; the city was completely destroyed. Ivan was the hurricane that went the farthest inland of all hurricanes. It went spinning until Alabama, then it slowed down and became a storm heading south and as soon as it reached water, it started again with all its strength. Hurricanes are devastating sources of massive destruction, but when they hit land, the start losing their force until they vanish. Hurricane Jeanne was also very devastating, maybe the most; it leaved 1.100 deaths In conclusion, hurricanes are terrible weapons of massive destruction, they can cause thousands of deaths in just days, not as many as a nuclear bomb, but thinking it is just a natural disaster caused by nature, is amazing how much it can destroy. Hurricanes are not the only natural disasters caused by global warming, now comes the tornadoes, Natural disaster.


Storm producing rotational winds up to 300 mph, the highest of any weather on
earth. Normally a tornado will form from a funnel-shaped cloud and touch the
earth for only a few minutes. However, during that time the tornado can travel
up to 70 mph, and leave a path of total destruction an average of a quarter-mile
wide and twenty miles long. Tornadoes may accompany thunderstorms and
hurricanes. (

So, tornadoes are very strong rotating winds that may include rain, lightning, and hail. They are very destructive, and they are the fastest moving winds on earth. Tornadoes are created when cold win mixes with a warm current; when they meet together they start spinning. Global warming will caused an increase of tornadoes, just like hurricanes, when the earth start warming and the effects of climate change.

Floods are normal where rain's water gets jam in a place, where it doesn’t drains. It is always caused by rain; the flooding of rivers, when too much water goes into a river and it raise its level, flooding all its surroundings.
Global Warming will melt all the ice in the artic and the water level of the ocean will rise, flooding all coasts. This is something we need to solve very fast, there would not be much left of coastal cities, like Cartagena.

All of these disasters will be created by Global Warming; you can say much of Earth will be destructed if we don’t act fast. All coastal cities will be flooded by water and Tsunamis caused by the climate changes and heat. Tornadoes will destruct the center of the United States, and the hurricanes, will destroy its coasts. Many people will be affected so tray to safe the planet, because it’s just ours and right now, we are destroying it leaving us with nothing.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Global Warming

An issue that we all face so we all should be concerned is global warming. Global warming is that we are damaging the ozone layer, causing the sun's harmful rays to penetrate in to the earth. They suns harmful rays are called UV, ultraviolet rays; they cause cancer and skin problems to humans. They suns rays, also heat up the earth, making the glaciers, and snow or ice landforms to melt, causing the level of the ocean to rise; this will make cities that are at sea level or below to flood. This change in temperature and sea level rising can bring a lot of natural disasters. Global warming will cause more natural disasters like hurricanes, tsunamis, tornados, fires; it will bring disaster to earth. We all need to worry, this would affect everyone. Global warming is all our fault. Cars, motor-cycles, buses, every vehicle used with gasoline or any petroleum product affect the environment. Most aerosol sprays that we bought also cause damage to the ozone layer. There are many products that we cant even imaging that they are harmful, but they are. Most cars, the ones that work with gas, damage a lot the ozone layer and imaging how many cars are in the entire world. Now there are several brands of cars that are creating what is called a Hybrid, for example, Toyota has made a few hybrid models. We all need to work to save the environment, because the Earth is from everyone, so we have to protect it in order to maintain alive.

Effects of Global Warming

Some effects global warming would cause are:

- Heat waves and periods of unusual warm weather.
- Ocean warming and sea level risie and coastal floodings.
- Glaciar melting.
- Artict and antarctic warming.

- Spreading diseases.
- Earlier spring arrival.
- Plant an animal range shifts and population changes.
- coral reef bleaching.
- Downpours, heavy snowfalls, and floodings.
- Drioughts and fires.

All this disasters listed above are going to be consequences of global warming, it is terrible that this things occur, thay will bring more natural disasters. Hurricanes, tornadoes, and tsunamis are some of them.

People are trying to stop polluting the earth in several ways that could help.
Some are doing car pool. Car pooling is when you take someone to a place that you ae going too, so they do not need to use their car, and produce more pollution. Peolpe are also trying to consume less energy. Turning off the light, the T.V, the P.C, any thing that you can do to consume less energy is very helpful.
The goverment is making people who make prducts, to make products that dont damage the ozone layer, and that do not contaminate.

Global warming cause somehting called the greenhouse effect. Supose you are in your car, and there is a very strong sun, when the rays penetrated through the window, the heat will be trapped, making it hotter. Thsi would happen in houses buildings, everywhere would be hotter.

All of this is our fault, we have make this, global warming would be in some years, but it can start tomorrow, or any other day, the sun will be stronger, and the disaster would occur.